“Imagine five years from now the person you introduced to WFG achieves financial independence. They’re on stage speaking to a very large audience and expressing their gratitude for you introducing them to WFG. Imagine if you hadn’t introduced them to WFG.

What if you had assumed they wouldn’t be interested?  There is a chance that if you don’t intro- duce them to WFG someone else will. People are looking for opportunities more than ever. They are waiting for someone like you and me to talk to them.

I truly believe that people’s lives are better because of WFG. Whether they become a very successful entrepreneur here and build a big team with hundreds and thousands of leaders, or they attend our financial workshops and better their financial future.

They would have gained knowledge on how money works and applied it by doing their own personal financial strategy for their retirement, their children’s college education or protection needs. That’s what we do.  We help people better their futures.”

— Jonathan Mehrian


Your Prospect List is your inventory list.  It is a list of names of people who may or may not join you in business, may or may not become your clients and may or may not give you referrals.  You never know until you put their name down on paper, identify the proper approach with your trainer and make a contact.

Your initial Top 5 References is meant to create an easier approach for you to do your first 3-5 training appointments with people that you are comfortable with.  Your Top 25 is a more focused list to help you launch your business with a Grand Opening! Like any business, a Grand Opening will let everyone you know more about your business and help create a lot of activity for when you are licensed.


Age 25+




Ways To Share


One on One


Grand Opening


Business Overview/
Financial Workshop

“Imagine five years from now the person you introduced to WFG achieves financial independence.
 They’re on stage speaking to a very large audience and expressing their gratitude for you introducing them to WFG.
”  — Jonathan Mehrian



Hi  ______! How’s it going? (Small talk.)

The reason why I’m calling, I don’t know if you heard, but I recently took a position with a large financial firm and I’m really EXCITED about it.  I’m in their TRAINING program which includes state licensing, classroom training and hands-on-on-the-job training and its all done on Zoom! My goal is to get my hands-on training  started right away and I need your HELP. You’ll HELP me, won’t you?

WFR: Wait for Reply “Of course I’ll help.”

Great, so what’s better for you, tomorrow or the day after? (Give two options, WFR) Morning or afternoon? (WFR)

Edify Trainer:  By the way, since we’re jumping on Zoom with my Trainer, I want you to know I really respect and value his/her time.  I’ll have my camera on taking notes and if you can also make sure to have your camera on and ask questions because the more questions you ask the more I will learn.

Thank you for doing this! I’ll send you the Zoom ID and see you (Day) & (Time.)
If they ask “What is it?” 

I value your OPINION and was hoping you would support me. It’s about 30 minutes or so and we’ll just jump on a Zoom, show you all the financial education that I’ve been learning and maybe in the  future you can send me some REFERRALS. If nothing else, I get my training out of the way.

So what’s better for you, tomorrow or the day after? (WFR) Morning or afternoon? (WFR)

Edify Trainer:  By the way, since we’re jumping on Zoom with my Trainer, I want you to know I really respect and value his/her time.  I’ll have my camera on taking notes and if you can also make sure to have your camera on and ask questions because the more questions you ask the more I will learn.

Thank you for doing this! I’ll send you the Zoom ID and see you (Day) & (Time.)

Grand Opening

Hey ______. How are you? (Small talk.)

The reason why I’m calling, I don’t know if you heard, but I recently took a position with a large financial firm and I’m really EXCITED about it.  I’m in their TRAINING program which includes state licensing, classroom training and hands-on-on-the-job training and its all done on Zoom! My goal is to get my hands-on training  started right away and I need your HELP. You’ll HELP me, won’t you?

WFR: Wait for Reply “Of course I’ll help.”

I’m doing a Grand Opening on (Day & Time) on Zoom and I would love to have you & (spouse) on.  I’m not inviting everyone, just my closest friends and family that I care about the most.  I’m going to send you the registration link and once you register, you’ll get an email confirmation with the Zoom link for my Grand Opening.  I actually just text it to you.  You get it?

WFR: Wait for Reply “Got it.”

Edify Trainer: Awesome! By the way, since I’m still in training, my trainer is going to help me with this Grand Opening so I can watch and learn.  I really respect and value his/her time.  I’ll have my camera on taking notes and if you can also make sure to have your camera on for support.  Thank you for doing this!

Business Overview

Hi  ______! How’s it going? (Small talk.)

The reason why I’m calling, what are you doing Wednesday at 5PM?

(WFR) “Nothing, why?”

Great!  My firm is holding an overview and they’re going to share more about who we are, how we help educate families and our expansion plans for a part time opportunity working from home on Zoom.  I’d love for you and (spouse) to be on and maybe after it we can talk and see who comes to mind that you can personally introduce me to so I can either help their family better their financial future or qualify them for a part time position with my firm to earn an additional $3-5,000 per month.  I just text you the registration link.  You get it?

(WFR) “Got it.”

Edify Presenter:  Awesome!  It’s going to only be 30 minutes or so and I’m actually going to be on as well because the guest speaker is one of the top Senior Brokers in the firm and is very credible in what we do.  I’m really excited that you and (spouse) are attending.  I’ll remind you on Wednesday just in case!

If they say “I’m busy Wednesday at 5PM. Why?”  Text them the pre-recorded shorter overview 

I wanted to invite you to a overview that my firm is doing.  If you really can’t make it then I’m texting you a short video to watch.  The financial education in the video is really simple and eye opening.  Our firm has received amazing feedback on it.  It’s short, sweet and to the point.  I’d love to get your thoughts as well.  Let’s catch up after you watch it later today or tomorrow, what’s better for you? 

When In Doubt, Share Your Story!

  • Your own testimonial is the most powerful approach you have.
  • Speak from the heart.  Why did you get started? What have you learned?
  • If it’s good enough for me, it’s good enough for others mentality.
  • You sell what you don’t believe in.  You share what you believe in. 
  • The fastest way to learn is to JUST START!

Remember… keep it short and sweet.  Your job is to make an invitation, not a presentation.